Understanding Email Marketing & Growing Your List

Email marketing helps you talk to your people, your friends.

Email marketing is a great way to connect with your people, as these are your signed up and signed in pen pals, you’re not shouting into the messy and convoluted world of social media. 

A great example to understand how important email marketing is, is to think of how your day starts. 

I’ll be honest and say, my working day always starts with me checking my inbox before anything else, it’s my curated mailbox: a place where all my clients, important info and signed up creators live ( hello email from Floret Flowers on how to grow cut flowers, you’ve just made my day!)



Your email list is your tangible asset – you own it.

Here are some ways you can really connect and grow your list


  • Offer or host something for free, I mean who doesn’t love free things?! Not only will someone be getting something free from you, you’re reminding or showing people your passions or expertise. You’re providing value to your people, so much so they’re signing up to hand over their email address. Within your free course, often link to a paid course, a course that’s got more detail than the free one. Even if they don’t hop onto the paid, you’ve got the long term friendship now as the longevity of subscribers is much longer. It’s also a great way to get in deeper connection and communication with your social media followers. Remember to make sure your offering adds values or improve your clients life which helps them get results which in turn gives you results and positive brand messaging.
  • Pop ups! They don’t have to be cringe, they can be customised to your brands look and feel. When using pop up’s make sure they’re linked up with a strong and aligned strategy and ensuring your viewers experience is at the forefront of this pop up. Make your pop up aligned with what you offer but also to what they’re viewing on your page at that time – for example don’t link to a pop up about a product while they’re reading up about you, ensure your Pop up’s are aligned with where your view is. Your pop ups should engage your viewers experience, 3-4% conversion rate is the average, 10% is a highly effective rate. Make sure your display rules are relevant and do A/B testing on you pop ups, so you can really get to know what your people like, everyone’s view group is a little different so really get to know yours. It might be helpful to quickly chat about the different kind of opt in forms, you have your in-line form which is a form that looks native and organic to the websites design, you have a pop up form which ‘pops up’ over the websites content over a certain time and then there is a Full page form, which is an exclusive to FloDesk. And this is perfect if you don’t have a website just yet, as it semi acts as one.
  • Make use of all your social media channels as invitations to drive traffic to your site, and signing up to your email list. Linking from others socials media, such Instagram, Pinterest etc, once they’ve engaged and clicked through to your site you can tailor a pop up to add even more value! A suggestion could be a discount code or a freebie to really grow your list.
  • Share someone exclusive! Who doesn’t love something exclusive, an ‘insiders only ‘club makes peoples curiosity peak. And the best way to keep people wanting more, is to keep their curiosity peak.
  • Paid ads, most of us think of using paid ads for selling. Which is needed, but sometimes more expensive. But by tailoring your ad spend towards general growth via content such as freebies, discounts, or general information as paid ads you’re building a relationship with people you can serve and nurture, not necessarily sell to. This is also a lot cheaper, as it makes your ad spend lower and you’re coming off as a person who serves, and remember your email list is growing which means: you’re got more people in your group signed up for you! 

In summary email marketing is great because:

– It’s not rented out space, its all yours! Your email list, your people and you have full control over what you share, as there’s no pesky algorithms that feels like is forever changing! Your email list is one of the best places to connect, engage and nurture your audience in, which in turn leads to organic and connected sales. 

– There’s a much better ROI on email marketing in comparison to socials. It reported has a 40% better conversion sales rate than socials.

– The best part?! So much of it can be automated and curated to suit your time AND your brands needs. You can set it up and spend your time and energy focusing on other aspects of your business.


Free Offers

  • offer or host something for free, I mean who doesn’t love free things?! Not only will someone be getting something free from you, you’re reminding or showing people your passions or expertise

Pop ups!

  • They don’t have to be cringe, they can be customised to your brands look and feel. When using pop up’s make sure they’re linked up with a strong and aligned strategy and ensuring your viewers experience is at the forefront of this pop up. 

Use socials to your advantage

  • Make use of all your social media channels as invitations to drive traffic to your site, and signing up to your email

A great example to understand how important email marketing is, is to think of how your day starts.

Think also of how we often take detoxes from socials, we never take them from mails (even though I’m sure we’d like to some days). Or how quickly engagement changes on socials. Growing an email list is the strongest way to connect with your people. The subscribers you gain are your friends, your people, your little (or big!) group of people who like the same thing. It’s not ruled by social medias ever changing algorithms or owned by Meta, it’s your people and all yours to show up how you’d like. It is a tangible asset that you own, and a great way to give people an intention experience. Think of your other platforms/channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest as a place of introducing, inspiration and education that are invitations to your website and email list. And this is where you can really intentionally engage with them.

Think of your other platforms/channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest as a place of introducing, inspiration and education that are invitations to your website and email list. And this is where you can really intentionally engage with them.