Tips For New Freelancers
Okay, so you want to take the leap going on your own? Firstly, Whoop whoop – let me get the bubbly- cheers to you!
Take a breath, don’t try to rush into everything.

Okay, so you want to take the leap going on your own? Firstly, Whoop whoop – let me get the bubbly- cheers to you! And secondly, I’m so happy for you, no matter what you’re doing, there’s more than enough space for us all.
Don’t compare yourself with others, every flower blooms in its own time
Here are some of my tips for new freelancers (this is from my perspective and my learnings)
Take a breath, don’t try to rush into everything. Focus on the aspects you’re best at and feel most confident in. Outsource or learn the other parts you’re not too confident in time. Don’t rush to get to the finish line. Don’t be hard on yourself if you make mistakes – mistakes are your best teachers. Be adaptable, be kind and be willing to change and grow
Don’t compare yourself with others, every flower blooms in its own time. Don’t let people tell you what you should and shouldn’t do – you’re your boss now. Be true to yourself and set boundaries

Focus on the aspects you’re best at and feel most confident in
Don’t compare yourself with others, every flower blooms in its own time.
Be true to yourself and set boundaries.
Save up! Save money to ensure you can meet your monthly bills.
SAVE UP: I suggest saving up a minimum of a 3-month salary at all times for an emergency fund. Things happen and even the most successful freelancers have quiet periods. Remember for most of us, no work no pay. So plan out rest times, and save money for that.
Make sure to track your finances, track money coming in and money coming out so you can see how you are doing.
Invest in yourself and your business. Invest in learnings and systems processes that make things easier and that expand your knowledge and time.